Friday, June 26, 2015

Job opportunity

So, here is a story for you. About 5 years ago, the computer teacher was put on the RIF list (Reduction in Force - the administration eliminated her position). Nine years ago, we had our new K-12 building open. This computer teacher started off in the high school nine years ago and after a few years of slowly declining enrollment in her high school courses, a few middle school courses were added to her schedule. A year later, she had mostly middle school courses. The next year, only middle school and the year after, all study hall classes. That is when she was RIFed.

So now I am getting a degree in Instructional Technology and told the administration that I was doing so just the last week of school (another long and boring story as to why I didn't tell them sooner). I didn't think anything would come of it and sort of regretted saying anything to them. Lo and behold, I did the correct thing by doing so! On Wednesday, June 24, my principal called me and offered me 3 computer classes to teach next year. They could be anything that I want them to be. Tempting! My concern, especially as union president, is that we (the administration and I) would be in violation of the contract. *sigh* I have spent most of the last 3 days fretting and investigating and researching how we can get this to happen. It appears that the RIFed teacher did not renew her license when she should have and that could be my in. I have a colleague who is friendly with her and she has a mission to find out if the RIFed teacher would want to come back.

Here's hoping! Fingers crossed! Wish me luck! Erin Go Bragh! Hive five, spit in your eye! (what was that last one?) geesh....


  1. I am sort-of in your boat!

    Our tech person (who has many different job responsibilities) announced his retirement in February. I knew I wasn't ready for his job, yet, but I threw my hat in anyway.

    Well, I didn't get his job, they created two new tech positions, and gave one to me. Its nerve wracking, but with with everything I have learned this summer, I'm feeling better about it!

    I'll cross my fingers for you!

    1. Thanks! Good luck with your new position. Maybe we can collaborate on our curriculum. Sharing is caring!

  2. Um... Ok, so it sounds like all three of us are in the same position because I am starting tech classes this year as well! I will be teaching computer applications (Microsoft office, internet safety/ethics, file management, Google, etc), Web design, and programming using Scratch, Python, and Java. I will be teaching High schoolers these things. What are you guys going to be doing. I see a potential solid networking opportunity here.

  3. Um... Ok, so it sounds like all three of us are in the same position because I am starting tech classes this year as well! I will be teaching computer applications (Microsoft office, internet safety/ethics, file management, Google, etc), Web design, and programming using Scratch, Python, and Java. I will be teaching High schoolers these things. What are you guys going to be doing. I see a potential solid networking opportunity here.

  4. Update: The job opportunity has fallen through. Long story short, the job would have had to been first offered to a person on the RIF list. I contacted her, she said should would be interested, the superintendent does not want her back, so the job was nixed. C'est la vie.
